

Covid-19 has changed life as we know it. We have found ourselves stuck at home with a lot of hours and bucketful of worries. Being human we have found solace in each others. Its therefore common to see memes such as " kuja twende ukaquarantine kwangu" or something along those lines.

Therefore its only timely to talk about the consequences of the choices we will make during this period especially amongst the youths.

Did you know, 55% of youths aged 15-19yrs are sexually active? Did you also know there is an increase in unwanted pregnancy of up to 44%in 2019? 82% of this is accounted by the youths. Did you know 7 women die every day in kenya from abortion related complications?

Its estimated 436000 abortions are performed annually in kenya, amongst this 120000 women end up admitted in hospitals from complications that follows.

As if this statistics arent worrying enough, parents continue to bury their heads in sand pretending their children know nothing about sex. Loosing 7 lives daily over something preventable is such a high price to pay for ignorance.

During this social distance, am urging you to live smart. Your life is important and if you arent careful with it, no one will! Going for contraceptives don't make you promiscuous. And no contraceptives arent for married people only. They are for anybody who is sexually active and wants to take control of their life.

Men, this is not a womans' problem and responsibility as many of you have been led to believe. Remember when that girl texted you we need to talk, "I think I have missed my period text"? How your life flashed before your eyes, thinking you were not ready for those kind of responsibility?

Woman, have you ever seen a man carry pregnancy? Remember after visiting your boyfriend how you bargained with God pleading and repenting just so your periods could come on time, how you promised to be careful ever after? You will give tithe and never miss Sunday service? Sound familiar?

How do you choose to put yourselves through that pressure every month?

Covid-19 is already stressing enough, please play responsibly, use protection or go for other methods of contraceptives.

As we stay at home to flatten the covid-19 curve, be woke enough to flatten the 7 deaths a day curve too. Find information regarding contraceptives from all the clinics with an AMUA sign and take control of your future.

Together we can come out of this stronger.

#stayhome #besmart #usecontraceptives.

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